look familiar?
These are the manuals for the Quattro models, the Dream Machine, and the Luminaire. Each one averages around 400 pages….daunting, I know. The PE Design 11 manual is also about 400 pages. Some people, like me, have no problems picking up a manual of this size, and reading through it to learn how to use a product. In fact, I enjoy it. I have PDF copies of machines I don’t even own, because I like to be able to help others with their machines. These manuals are actually very well written, but if you don’t know what you are looking for, you won’t find it. There are many people in this world who are visual learners, and they draw a blank when it comes to the manual. A few years ago, a determined group of women asked me to travel to Utah, and teach them to use their machines, as they were visual learners. We had such a great time, and they learned so much, that I started thinking about how I could make the same learning experience possible for everyone. But let’s face it, it’s just not feasible for me to travel all over the country, nor is it easy for all of you to attend classes. Enter online learning. Here, in one place, in the comfort of your own home, you can learn how to use your machine. Learn at your own pace, with your own machine, with your own supplies. Learning this way, you will always be able to cross reference your lessons with your manual.
In my classes, we start at the beginning. And I mean the beginning. Because there is a huge amount of information at the beginning of your manual that is important to know, and if you skip all of that, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Sure, you can skip forward…but you might miss something important, and when I bring it up later, you’ll be scrambling.
The Luminaire (waiting on upgrade 3, lessons to follow), Dream Machine, Quattro, and PE Design 11 Class series are now complete! Imagine, the whole manual in video form. You will be through it in no time, and believe me, you’ll be amazed at what you didn’t know. 😉
Don’t forget, these classes are compatible with the BabyLock sister machines: the Ellisimo models, the Destiny, The Solaris, and Palette 11. You will see the Brother machines in the videos, and some of the icons will be different, but for the most part, it’s exactly the same.
A lot of online educators have chosen to go the Facebook route with their lessons, creating private groups to upload the lessons to, because its the easiest way to do it. And hey, we’re all about easy. But what if you’re not on Facebook? If you wanted to take a break from Facebook, you couldn’t view the classes. I want everyone to be able to take my classes, whether they are on Facebook or not. I have created a membership site, so you can simply purchase the classes you want, then log in and start watching.
Each class is priced at $149.70, and can be conveniently split into 6 payments of $24.95, payable monthly through Paypal, or you can pay the entire amount at once. You will have access to the class for as long as you like. Please remember that making monthly payments is a commitment, and if you cancel the payment plan before the 6 months is up, your access will be terminated, and no refunds will be given.
Learning opportunities
Want to see what a lesson looks like before you purchase? Check out the Helpful Videos page! Those videos are made just like my lessons, and you will be able to get a good idea of my teaching style. 🙂
Learn your luminaire!
Don’t let Brother’s newest machine intimidate you! It’s a wonderful machine, and by reading through the manual, and learning everything there is to know, you’ll be around the block with your machine in no time flat.
This class includes 25 lessons, all three upgrades are included.
Learn your dream machine!
The Dream Machine is exactly that…a Dream to use! Let’s go through that manual together, step by step, and learn how to use this machine to it’s fullest!
This class is complete, with 25 lessons. All upgrades are included.
learn your pe design 11!
Did you purchase a Luminaire, and get PE Design 11 along with it? Where is it? Don’t leave it sitting in a drawer, because you don’t know or understand how to use it. That software is a valuable addition to your machine, and once you get the hang of it, you’ll see what I mean. Come along with me, and the PE Design 11 manual, and conquer your software! This class is complete, with 24 lessons.
Learn your Quattro machine!
The Quattro, tho long discontinued, remains one of Brother’s top machines, and is loved by many. There are 3 models of the Quattro: the 6000D, the 6700D, and the 6750D, otherwise known as the Limited Edition Trilogy. I will be teaching this Quattro class, covering ALL of the models, and the upgrades. Let’s learn this fabulous machine from needle to handwheel!
This class is complete, with 23 lessons.

Looking for your purchased classes?
Look up….see the little shopping cart, and ‘My Account’ next to it? Click on ‘My Account’. Then you will see where to find your classes. 🙂